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There was a boy named Ganymede, a prince of Troy, who shone with beautiful golden brilliance. Ganymede, due to his beauty, was noticed by Zeus, the king of the gods, and was brought to serve as a cupbearer at the feasts of the gods on Olympus. In exchange for serving as a cupbearer at the endless feasts of the gods, Ganymede was given immortality and even greater beauty by Zeus.
Zeus knew that Ganymede’s parents were grieving over their son’s disappearance, so he sent a messenger to tell them that Ganymede was serving the gods and doing well. And so that Ganymede’s parents could always see their son, it is said that Zeus made the image of Ganymede, holding a water jug and serving the gods, into a constellation and raised it to the sky.
Aquarius is characterized by being original and innovative. They are unique and have a way of thinking that is not bound by common sense. They tend to be unaffected by the opinions of others and go at their own pace. They are interested in new and unknown things. Furthermore, they have foresight and a way of thinking that is ahead of the times. They are also philanthropic and, while having a unique and original way of thinking, they want to express these ideas socially and make good use of them.