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The myth of Gemini originates from Greek mythology. This myth features the twin brothers Castor and Pollux, sons of Zeus. Zeus fell in love with Leda, the queen of Sparta, and visited her in the form of a swan. Castor and Pollux were then born as the children of Zeus and Leda. Castor was human, while Pollux, having inherited divine blood, was immortal. The two were close and made a name for themselves in many battles. However, a dispute over the spoils from a cattle raid gradually strained their relationship. One day, a major brawl broke out, and as a result,

Castor was left on the brink of death. Pollux wished to leave this world with his brother, but being immortal, he could not die together. So, Pollux pleaded with Zeus, “We have been together since birth, and we must be together when we die. I want you to undo my immortality.” Zeus, moved by their deep fraternal love, undid Pollux’s immortality. The two then ascended to heaven together and became the constellation Gemini.

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Gemini Gemini Gemini Gemini Gemini Gemini Gemini
Gemini Gemini Gemini Gemini Gemini Gemini Gemini
Gemini Gemini Gemini Gemini Gemini Gemini Gemini


Gemini is known for their intense intellectual curiosity. Their excellent intellect and communication skills make them great at sharing the knowledge and information they have acquired. They are able to react flexibly to various situations. They are sensitive to trends and are often very fashionable. However, they tend to fall in love easily and get bored quickly, which can give them a restless impression as they are always on the move. It’s important for Gemini to have a strong commitment to see things through to the end once they’ve started. Increasing their achievements is the key to gaining trust from those around them.