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The myth of Pisces involves the goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite, and her child, Eros. This mother and child had a profound bond of trust. Aphrodite had Eros as her attendant, and Eros assisted Aphrodite’s work (conveying love and affection to humans) with his golden and lead arrows. One day, Aphrodite and Eros were attending a banquet of the gods. At that time, a terrifying monster, Typhon, appeared, and the gods transformed into birds and fish to escape. Aphrodite and Eros also transformed into fish and jumped into the Nile River. At that time, they tied their tails together with a ribbon so they wouldn’t be separated.

Zeus, the king of the gods, was moved by the strong bond of love between Aphrodite and Eros. He raised the image of the two fish tied together with a ribbon to the sky and made it a constellation, which is Pisces.

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Pisces Pisces Pisces Pisces Pisces Pisces Pisces Pisces
Pisces Pisces Pisces Pisces Pisces Pisces Pisces Pisces


Pisces are full of compassion and are very kind people. They can think from the perspective of others and have high empathy, so if there is someone in trouble, they will actively reach out to help. They have strong sensitivity and imagination, and can empathize with people’s feelings. On the other hand, they are easily hurt and may empathize too much with events and others. They don’t make decisions on their own and tend to live by going with the flow.