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The myth of Libra originates from Greek mythology, featuring Astraea, the goddess of justice and astronomy. Astraea lived on Earth during a time when humans and gods coexisted peacefully. Astraea was a goddess of justice who held scales in one hand and a sword to cut off evil in the other, and she judged people impartially, blindfolded. Astraea took the initiative to interact with humans and taught them justice. As the number of humans increased, disparities in wealth and power grew, leading to conflicts. The gods living in the lower world grew tired of humans and retreated to the heavens, but Astraea alone stayed behind, continuing to preach justice to humans.

Humans became tainted with lies and violence, and injustice ran rampant. Astraea, who had remained until the end, eventually gave up on humans and returned to the heavens. Nevertheless, Astraea raised her scales to the sky, hoping that humans would somehow hate the injustice in their hearts and regain their love for justice and fairness. This became the constellation of Libra.

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Libra is a pacifist and tends to make balanced judgments and actions in any situation. They often play the role of mediator or arbitrator. They also value relationships with others and strive to maintain harmony with the people around them. People of the Libra sign can be indecisive. They are easily influenced by others and may find it difficult to assert their own opinions. Furthermore, they have a perfectionist side and may struggle because they can’t easily reach their ideals.